Custom widget
Intro The Custom Widgets provide a space to display custom created widgets that can be created by using the 'User Statistics-blocks' in flows. Each of these blocks store statistics that can be used as input for simple formulas to create a Custom ...
Top intents widget
The top intents widgets ranks all the recognised intent. The widget shows the following metrics Intent name Times the intent is triggered by the bot Percentage of total
Rating widget
The rating widget shows a breakdown of the aggregated satisfaction metrics for all the users that were presented the 'rating block' and provided answer.
Platform status
The Platform status widget shows the uptime percentage (SLA) of the platform and the uptime of the created embedded webchats. The uptime is setup as follows: Every 5 minutes the platform runs tests across the following regions: Central US East US ...
Unexpected answer widget
The unexpected answer block is to a collection of flows where the user wasn't satisfied or helped with the answer. By implementing the unexpected block in the dialog manager, the bot can be trained to verify with the user if the answer provided was ...
Untrained questions widget
Intro This widget shows the questions that the user posed to the bot, but are not registered as an utterance in any intent. If the NLP engine is highly certain that the user's input belongs to an intent, then the unrecognised input will be visible ...
Bot metrics
Interactions The interactions metric tracks the total number of bot interactions in a given month. Blits licenses are based on interaction volume. The following elements contribute to a bot’s interaction count: - A user interaction with the bot (send ...
About bot analytics
Intro Every bot comes with its own monthly analytics dashboard. This is used to track usage and the performance of your bot. It also gives suggestions to improve your bot. The standard bot metrics include: Amount of interactions (amount) Intents ...