

The list below shows the features that were introduced, changed or removed with the release of v2.0.4. In this version, several bugs worth mentioning were resolved, while also UX improvements were made.


  • Introduction of GDPR consent function for users

  • Introduction of the unexpected dashboard widget 

  • Introduction of the Bulk FAQ creator

  • Introduction of the unpublished intent warning

  • Introduction of auto-redirect after publishing


  • Solved issues in relation to using Mozilla Firefox

  • Solved being unable re-add deleted intent names

  • Solved the unresponsive restart conversation button

  • Solved the ability to add the same utterance to multiple intents

  • Solved the unresponsive edit button for utterances

  • Solved the unresponsive skip-user input configuration for adaptive cards

  • Solved the incorrect platform status

UX Improvements: 

  • Improved Chat Bubble settings page

  • Improved distinction between platform costs and bot costs

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