Dialog Manager - The Basics

Dialog Manager - The Basics

The Dialog Manager is the part of the Blits platform where you shape the conversations of your bot. It is designed to matches business model process (BPMN) and reads like a Visio chart. It gives you an overview of the conversational steps as well as the data flow your bot is using.

Drag & Drop

The dialog manager is built as a drag & drop interface to create you dialogs. You can select elements on the left-menu and drag them in the canvas. You can also drag element in the canvas.

Select flow

In order to select a flow or intent, press the intent drop-down in the top left menu. Every intent has its own flow and can be adjusted to your design.

Name elements

You can name elements by double clicking on that item. You can set names to create references and guides for the building proces.

Variable toggle

By enabling the variable toggle you can view which variables and objects are available in your flow.

Example toggle

You can toggle example toggle, to view 5 utterances that match this intent. This is commonly used to double check you know which intent you are editing.


Use the zoom buttons to zoom in our out your workspace. You can also use ctrl + scroll.

Multiple users at the same time

If multiple users want to access the same dialog, an error message will appear.

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