How to connect the Slack channel

How to connect the Slack channel

  1. Select the bot you built on platform for which you wish to configure Slack, and go to Settings -> Configuration
  2. Enable the Slack channel if currently disabled

  3. Create a Slack application here <>.
  4. After creation, some settings should be changed within the newly created Slack app. Please go to the 'App Home' tab under 'Features' and enable 'Always Show My Bot as Online'
  5. In addition, events should be added. Under 'Features', please click on the 'Event Subscriptions' tab. Make sure that events are enabled and add the 'Event Subscription Request URL' from the Blits' settings to the empty Request URL field as depicted in the image below.
  6. Lasty, the specific bot events should be added. Please add the six events that are depicted in the image below.
  7. Now that all settings are correct, the details found in the 'Basic Information' tab under 'Settings' must be copied into the empty fields of the Blits' settings. Copy the Client ID, Client Secret and Signing Secret and paste them into the designated fields. Please the 'Save' button when done.

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