GET: Multiple engine intents scores

GET: Multiple engine intents scores


With this GET request a message can be send to the bot nlu providers, be analyzed and respond to you with the intent recognition results.Please follow the following steps to do so.


To set this up, the above API URL is need together with the authorization header. The header should have the following format:

Bearer <key>

The key can be obtained from the API settings on the settings page of your bot under the JSON Web Token:

The message

The message should be send a query param with name message:



  "allRecognitionResults": {
    "MICROSOFT": {
      "text": "hi",
      "topIntent": {
        "name": "Hello",
        "score": 0.9365917
      "intents": [
          "name": "Hello",
          "score": 0.9365917
          "name": "Welcome",
          "score": 0.0328616761
      "entities": {},
      "provider": "MICROSOFT"
  "recognitionResult": {
    "text": "hi",
    "topIntent": {
      "name": "Hello",
      "score": 0.9365917
    "intents": [
        "name": "Hello",
        "score": 0.9365917
        "name": "Welcome",
        "score": 0.0328616761
    "entities": {},
    "provider": "MICROSOFT"
  "extractionResult": {
    "entities": {},
    "provider": "MICROSOFT"
  "sentiment": {
    "provider": "MICROSOFT",
    "score": 0.9431402087211609
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