Add intent

Add intent

When adding an intent, it is important to determine the boundaries of the topic that the intent should cover. The clearer and more specific the topic of the intent, the better a user can find the right information. Hence, it is recommended to create intents that only contain one topic. In case two topics are always closely related, then the intents can be linked to each other through using the 'End'-element and the option 'Redirect to other intent'.

Requested information

By clicking the button 'Add intent' as shown above, the window as shown below will pop-up. Here, you must fill in different types of information.

First, the name of the intent must be filled in. It is recommended to pick a name for the intent that closely described the intent in one or two words. By doing so, you are forced to carefully think of the boundaries of your intent.

Next, in the description box, which is optional, more information can be added for administration purposes.

Finally, at least one utterance must be added. Adding more utterances to your intent can be done at any time. You can add intents by pressing enter or clicking the add button.

Adding an entity

At the moment of creating an intent you add an entity to the utterances. You can do so by using the square brackets with the name of the intent in the middle as in this format: [entity]. By doing so, a suggestions menu will appear from which you can select the desired entity, and possibly the corresponding role, that you would like to use in the utterance. Please have a look in the Entity section to learn more about entities.

Template flows

Every intent has a Dialog flow that is shown once the intent is triggered. When creating a new intent, a template flow can be selected for that intent. A template flow is useful for intents that go through highly standardized flows. For example, this is often the case for bots that answer a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ). Here, the bot provides the answer to the FAQ and asks if the user wants to know more.

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