Add entity

Add entity

How to add an entity

To add an entity, you mist click the 'Add Entity +' button.

Thereafter, you can toggle between Simple entities and Closed list entities. Add a name that resembles the group of words that the entity will cover. Next, the words can be added under the 'Name' section for Simple entities and under the 'Canonical' and 'Utterances' section for Closed list entities. Please note that with the Closed list entities, the 'canonical' official or preferred use of the word or concept. Finally, two or more roles can be added to the entity. After saving the entity, your bot must be published (again) for it to be effective. This should also be done if you have made modifications to an existing entity.

Use entities in the platform (Intents/Dialog manager)

In order to use an entity, you must add an entity to at least one example utterance in an intent. This enables the collection of that entity, within that intent and conversational flow design. You can access all available entities by with the auto-detect dropdown in the Intent utterance field.

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